About Us
We are the only official distributor in North America, with locations and inventory stocked in Pompano Beach FL, Atlanta GA and in Freeport Bahamas
Dantech Group Founded in Florida in 1990´s
Our head quarter, located in Pompano Beach, FL, includes inventories from several “top” European manufactures, as well as our service & repair shop.
Official distributor of Wencon products and solutions:
Wencon specializes in solutions for surface repair, rebuilding, protection and life extension of metals exposed to corrosion, galvanic corrosion, cavitation, wear or breakage. The Wencon repair concept is widely used across multiple sectors & industries, such as Marine (commercial & non-commercial), Offshore, Petrochemical, industrial (power plants, heavy equipment and mining equipment) etc.
We carry out Wencon certified repairs, both onsite and @ our local repair shops (in FL and in the Bahamas)
Official distributor and manufacturer of Lindab Marine ventilation products and solutions in the U.S.A
Main services, Electrical & Mechanical:
- Marine & Offshore
- In house service & repair shop
- Field service, dry dock, wet dock etc.
- Specialists in rotating machinery: Preventive maintenance, trouble shooting, insulation testing, bearing replacements, laser alignment, vibration testing/analysis etc.
- Electrical motors, casing/fan motors, compressor motors, transformers, generators, PMG´s etc.
- Cruise ships, super yachts, ferries & other passenger ships, commercial and non-commercial vessels, navy vessels and other government owned vessels, USCG vessels etc.

Wencon products & solutions are designed to provide protection of surfaces, exposed to galvanic corrosion, cavitation, wear or breakage
More than 35 years in business manufacturing two component Epoxy products for surface repair, rebuilding & protection, within the Marine and Offshore industry.
Wencon HQ is located in Denmark, Europe
Wencon distribution, strategically placed all around the world
The Wencon concept consists of only 4 products but 1000´s of applications and solutions for surface repairs, rebuilding and protection, and Highly applicable to all types of metals, steel, brass, bronze, cast iron, aluminum, GRE and much more, damaged by corrosion, cavitation, bi-metallic corrosion etc.
More than 10.000 ships worldwide have a Wencon repair kits on board.
- Once a Wencon customer, always a Wencon customer
- Narrow product range, 1000´s of applications
- Beating competitors products on any parameter
- All Wencon products are Non Hazardous product
- And many more unique advantages